In aid of the Alzheimer's Society - Visit the link to make a donation

In support of the Alzheimer's Society

Saturday, 11 September 2010

4 Days to go

If you haven't sponsored yet can you please do so... we know where you live!!!

I have a sort of route (which is handy otherwise the ride could take a long time) so will try to put up maps with location etc. I'm relying on Shaun giving me accurate updates as to his whereabouts... how honest those whereabouts will be is questionable so I'm going to ask him to take photos of the town signs.... not google them... take photos of them. That way I can post the location on a map.

Don't forget to check out the photos of our man in Lycra and don't forget to visit the sponsor page!!!

multi-Munday........ "every race is against yourself"

1 comment:

  1. Not saying I'm unlucky but if I put a bet on me winning this one, I'd probably get piped at the post by the Vicar climbing a 15%, delivering The War Cry en route!
